Icon Packs
List of free design icon packs:
Feather Icons (license MIT)
Atlas Icons (license MIT)
Tablericons (license CC BY 4.0)
Flat icons (license CC BY 4.0)
Untitled UI Icons (license CC BY 4.0)
SWM Icon Pack (license CC BY 4.0)
Material Design Icons (license Apache 2.0)
- SVGO: svg optimizer
Add icons in figma:
Tutorial icons to library:
Icons manager:
Icons as fonts in Qt:
Design Resources
- https://www.uigoodies.com/
- https://www.awwwards.com/41-excellent-icon-sets-with-the-best-free-icons.html
- https://m3.material.io/
- background generator: https://app.haikei.app/
UI/UX Research design:
Material design, UI/UX animations motion: